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Luc De Roo, Directeur Général du Parc Walibi Rhône-Alpes


CEO of Walibi Rhône-Alpes

Responsible for the development and management of the park, he focuses on innovation and enhancing the visitor experience.
Under his direction, the park has been undergoing continuous transformation and development for over 10 years.

Executive team


    Operations Director

  • Blandine SANEROT

    Administrative and Financial Director

  • Alice MONTAGNE

    Human Resources Director

  • Thomas MONDON

    Marketing and Sales Director

Key figures

667,000 visitors in 2024

All-time record.

98% recommendation rate

Qualimétrie survey April-June 2023.

51M invested since 2016

95% of the park transformed.

34 rides & shows

3 thematic universes.


With more than 30 different professions, over 700 seasonal contracts and 50 permanent employees, the site's HR department is committed to several missions to provide access to more attractive professions and more qualified jobs:

  • Easy access to the site for employees to eventually offer transport and accommodation solutions for seasonal workers. (2025+)
  • Training for all, including seasonal workers, and access to qualifying qualifications (POEC, CCI Nord Isère), to encourage seasonal re-employment, which is over 50% each season, and thus reduce job insecurity.
Find out more
Journée d'intégration des salariés à Walibi Rhône-Alpes

Our CSR commitments

The park has embarked on a “Zero net carbon by 2030” approach.

Whether it's the creation of the new Exotic Island area, the renewal of equipment, the choice of suppliers, or more day-to-day actions, the CSR dimension is integrated into the teams' thinking.

Compagnie des Alpes is passionately committed to offering exceptional moments of leisure that generate bonds and well-being, and to creating living spaces that combine regional vitality with ecological transformation.

Discover the Raison d'être of the Compagnie des Alpes Group, its commitments and renunciations, in which our park is also involved: OUR PURPOSE - Compagnie des Alpes

Loi sapin 2

The fight against any behavior that could be construed as corruption or influence peddling is an absolute priority for La Compagnie des Alpes.
A corruption prevention plan has been put in place for this purpose. It applies to all Group companies.
Integrity is at the heart of everything we do.

Find out more about the anti-corruption code of conduct and the code of integrity for Compagnie des Alpes group partners, which our park also follows: